January 9, 2009

Photography Friends

friendship . . .
neglected . . .
returned . . .

Mona lives in Montana. She is from my hometown and it is so fun to stay in touch after so many years. We grew up together, went to school together, and went to church together. We said goodbye the night we graduated from High School.

Isn't it strange how each person walks away from that night and begins the journey into their own life? It seems we didn't know any better - we did not get back in touch for years.

Then one day, a thousand miles apart, we were connected again by email. What a pleasant surprise to meet my friend again! I love who she has become!

Oh, she is not a craft I can make. People are their own craftsman. Each chooses who and what molds them and makes them. Nor is she my heirloom, but she will be remembered for many things, including her photos which she was willing to share with me. So, I share a portion of another treasure money cannot buy - friendship.


Unknown said...


thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. About deliting a follower I believe that you should go to your dashboard and than click on your followers. Then a list of followers will ocurre and on the right side is a BLOCK button. I think it will block that follower to appear again. I am not 100% sure!

I hope you get your followers back.


Montanagirl said...

I think perhaps in our differing paths we have taken, that you, my friend, are the "treasure." I wish you lived closer!

Greener Bangalore said...

those are great pics!!!